Fast Facts: Alligators

Fast Facts: Alligators

American alligators once faced extinction .

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Oinking for Help!

Oinking for Help!

Pot-bellied pig saves owner's life by lying in front of a car

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In 2017, India planted 66 million trees in 12 hours. About 1.5 million people were involved in the huge plantation campaign.

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Crown Shyness

Crown Shyness

Crown shyness  is a phenomenon observed in some tree species, in which the crowns of fully stocked trees do not touch each other.

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Just some Japanese Macaques Chillaxing

Just some Japanese Macaques Chillaxing

These Japanese macaques , or snow monkeys, have taken to plunging into hot springs to protect themselves from the fierce , freezing conditions of the snowy highlands where they live.

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Why were prehistoric animals so big?

Why were prehistoric animals so big?

Though not all ancient critters were huge, a lot of them were. I'm talking 90 ton, 130-foot dinos, 50-foot giant sharks and ground sloths that could go shoulder to shoulder with today's elephan…

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Being mammal equals being warm-blooded, or does it?

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The Barreleye

The Barreleye

Ever since the "barreleye" fish Macropinna microstoma was first described in 1939, marine biologists have known that it's tubular eyes are very good at collecting light.

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Dogs Understand Us Better Than We Think?

Dogs Understand Us Better Than We Think?

Experts say they have proved for the first time that dogs know how humans think.

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2,000-year-old seed becomes a parent

2,000-year-old seed becomes a parent

Back in 2005, Israeli researchers were able to grow a healthy date palm out of a well-preserved 2,000-year-old seed , and it's since gone on to have tree babies of its own.

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Antarctic Oasis

Antarctic Oasis

An Antarctic oasis is a large area naturally free of snow and ice in the otherwise ice-covered continent of Antarctica.

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The Driest Place On Earth

The Driest Place On Earth

When you google: What is the driest place on Earth - this what Google comes up with: Atacama Desert

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Every fall, thousands of these birds gather in the sky above Scotland, where they dart and dance in mesmerizing fractals.

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